Dog shampoos need to be chosen properly because they are responsible for cleaning the coat and the skin and they come in contact with both extensively. A good shampoo can work wonders for the dog whereas, the wrong one can do more harm than good.
Not all dog shampoos are created equal, and there are some that contain ingredients that can irritate and harm your dog’s skin. Avoid artificial fragrances and dyes, which can irritate your dog’s eyes and skin, but do look for natural fragrances, like chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus, and citrus.
Never use shampoos or conditioners designed for humans. Our skin is less sensitive than a dog’s, and human shampoos are designed to wash off the natural oils and wax on our hair. That’s fine for humans, but it will leave your dog’s coat dull and brittle and can cause rashes.
A very important factor is skin pH. Dogs have very sensitive skin and there is a specific pH associated with it which ranges from 2.2 to 7.5. Any shampoo that wishes to accomplish any of the tasks that it needs to do should do so while making sure that the pH stays between the specified range.
Although there’s no serious immediate damage, contents like artificial colors, fragrances, alcohol, preservatives etc. cause adverse effects of inflammation and fur loss.
It’s imperative to read labels and spot chemical adversaries in names and contents. Steer clear of claims like ‘organic’ and ‘natural’ that hide the fine print of actual ingredients.
Trustworthy products disclose a full list of ingredients out in the open.
Natural As Can Be (Singapore)
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Phone: (65) 8386 3600
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